Category: Secular Theology
Tom Holland’s Dominion: A Review

Losing our Religion: On “Retaining” Young People in the Orthodox Church

Gay Marriage and Eastern Orthodoxy

“Aren’t You Supposed to Hate Me?”: Calvinism and the Politics of the Damned

It Can’t Be Helped: Atheism and the Problem of Determinism
There is a certain term in Japanese whose history I very much dislike: shikataganai – “It can’t be helped.” Now such a concept is not completely alien to Western thought, we often remark how there is “nothing one can do” in certain situations, but the difference is that shikataganai reflects the fatalistic ethos of Japan that the modern West has never quite…
Is Jesus coming back in the next 40 years?
It seems that nearly half of Christians in America think that Jesus is coming back by the time we could be swearing in an occupant for the 67th term for a President of the United States: (Pew Forum) According to a 2010 Pew Research Center survey, roughly half (48%) of Christians in the U.S. say they believe that Christ will definitely (27%)…
In Defense of Dogma
The following article was originally published on the Roads from Emmaus weblog in March of 2011. It has been revised for this publication. An encounter by my wife with a Unitarian Universalist has set me thinking again upon what I believe is one of the great Christian evangelistic questions of our time: We now have to make the case for dogma. We…
Using the Bible Against Christians: Sola Scriptura Atheism
One of the things that struck me during the Chick-Fil-A debacle couple of weeks ago was a curious theme I perceived in the inundation of negative comments I saw on social media regarding the statements made by Chick-Fil-A COO Dan Cathy, who came out (no pun intended… no, really) in favor of “the biblical definition of the family unit.” What was that…