Tag: Scripture
Scripture: Myth or History?

Protestants and a Churchless Tradition: “Sola” vs. “Solo” Scriptura

Orthodox Theology in Symphonic Harmony

Should Christians read the Book of Esther?
The following guest piece by Joel J. Miller originally ran under the title “You’re reading the wrong Book of Esther.” It is republished here with permission. The Book of Esther occupies a controversial place in the Bible. John Calvin did not include the book in his biblical commentaries and only referenced it once in the Institutes (see 4.12.17). Though he included it…
Cyril Jenkins on Forensic Justification in Scripture
Here’s an interesting post from earlier this week by O&H author Dr. Cyril Jenkins on why all the “righteousness” language in Scripture cannot actually be interpreted in a single way, namely, the Reformed sense of forensic justification. This is from his weblog Lux Christi.
Using the Bible Against Christians: Sola Scriptura Atheism
One of the things that struck me during the Chick-Fil-A debacle couple of weeks ago was a curious theme I perceived in the inundation of negative comments I saw on social media regarding the statements made by Chick-Fil-A COO Dan Cathy, who came out (no pun intended… no, really) in favor of “the biblical definition of the family unit.” What was that…