Category: Protestantism
Necromancy, Idolatry and the Superiority of Protestant Culture

Same-Sex Pair Uses Orthodox Wedding Service

The Doctrine of Transubstantiation in the Orthodox Church

Conversions and Conversions: Romanians between Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism

“A Premodern Sacramental Eclectic”?: Evangelicals Reaching for Tradition

Medical Study “Proves” Speaking in Tongues has Divine Origin
The video above is from several years ago, but I came across it and thought it was worth commenting on briefly. This is interesting in a number of ways. One major drawback in the reporting is that the Pentecostal practice of speaking in tongues (glossolalia) is not presented as what it is — the practice of only one sector of Protestantism. Rather,…
Is There Really a Patristic Critique of Icons? (Part 5 of 5)
Editor’s Note: Following is the final entry in a 5-part series addressing the claim by Presbyterian pastor Steven Wedgeworth that there is significant patristic testimony against iconography. The response is necessarily more in-depth than the original post it responds to, because numerous quick claims are made there without much in the way of examination of their context or historic character. A Summary of the…
Is There Really a Patristic Critique of Icons? (Part 4 of 5)
Editor’s Note: Following is the fourth part in a 5-part series addressing the claim by Presbyterian pastor Steven Wedgeworth that there is significant patristic testimony against iconography. Keep watching this space for all five parts. The response is necessarily more in-depth than the original post it responds to, because numerous quick claims are made there without much in the way of examination of their…
Is There Really a Patristic Critique of Icons? (Part 3 of 5)
Editor’s Note: Following is the third part in a 5-part series addressing the claim by Presbyterian pastor Steven Wedgeworth that there is significant patristic testimony against iconography. Keep watching this space for all five parts. The response is necessarily more in-depth than the original post it responds to, because numerous quick claims are made there without much in the way of examination of their…