Jamey W. Bennett is the associate editor of the Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy blog, and a purveyor of arts with Royal Ruckus. He has a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and attends St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church in Boca Raton, Florida.
It is no secret that icons are an important part of Orthodox faith and worship, covering the walls and ceilings and iconostases of our parishes, and most Orthodox Christians have at least a few icons at home. It also is no secret that the Orthodox Church practices blessings throughout the Church year—we start with the blessing of the waters at Theophany, and…
I once jumped off the southernmost point in the United States into the ocean, and the only way I was able to do it was to suck up my fear, hop off the cliff, and face what may. Or, rather, back what may. Ouch. I’ve been behind the scenes here at Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy doing very little but cheerleading for over a…