The Mass Cult of Big

The following is essentially a piecing together of selections from a Facebook thread in which I participated today. The following quotation led off the discussion: We have become fascinated by the idea of bigness, and we are quite convinced that if we can only ‘stage’ something really big before the world, we will shake it, and produce a mighty religious awakening. – D. Martin


If you can make any sense out of the headline for this post, You Might Be a Digital Native. In any event, this is merely a reminder that, now with the addition of a Twitter account, I’ve completely signed on to the Great Trifecta of Social Media. (Hm. Now the phrase social medium occurs to me, and I am left with an image of

Updates and Notes

A number of updates and goings-on of variable interest: Book News: Conciliar Press tells me that Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy is selling very well. Thank you to all who have bought copies, recommended it to friends, or written reviews! I honestly had no idea when I did the original parish lectures in Charleston and then repeated them in Emmaus that they’d get so far away

New Facebook page

Because I’m doing public work in areas beyond podcasting, I’m transitioning from my old Facebook page to a new one, so if you would like to continue (or to begin) getting updates on Facebook on the items I publish (podcasts, weblog, and a forthcoming book), I recommend you shift over to the latter. Thanks!