Hello, blog readers and email list subscribers! I just wanted to give you a couple quick updates in case you hadn’t yet heard: — The revised, expanded edition of Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape is now available for pre-order. Wondering what’s new? Read all about that here. Click here to place your order and…
I’m getting pretty close to done with my edits for the revised, expanded version of Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, which is now available to order. The final word count will be about 125,000 136,000 words, which makes it about 75% 90% larger than the first edition (which was about 72,000 words). Now that I’m almost done we’re in the editorial stage, I can…
And here’s the answer to the question that gets asked of me nearly every day now: God willing, Ancient Faith Publishing will release the revised, expanded and updated edition of Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy in December 2016. What’s new? Besides being more than 50% larger and also being retooled to speak not only to the Orthodox but also the non-Orthodox, here are some…
Update: New episodes are now available at this link. As I’ve announced on social media and elsewhere, I’m in the process of producing an updated, revised, and expanded version of Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy—both the podcast and the book. New episodes of the podcast begin airing on Ancient Faith Radio on November 22. This new podcast series (and book!) represents a full revision,…
St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press has published a book about philosophers who have converted to the Orthodox Church, entitled Turning East: Contemporary Philosophers and the Ancient Christian Faith. Here’s the official blurb from SVS Press: The Orthodox Church is one of the largest religious groups in the world. Yet, it remains an enigma in the West, especially among those who mistake it either…