getting pretty close to done with my edits for the revised, expanded version of Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, which is now available to order.
The final word count will be about 125,000 136,000 words, which makes it about 75% 90% larger than the first edition (which was about 72,000 words). Now that I’m almost done we’re in the editorial stage, I can release a draft copy of the Table of Contents for the new book. Here it is.
Everything in italics represents a completely new section. Almost every other section has been revised or expanded in some way.
(Revised Edition)
Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape
Andrew Stephen Damick
Table of Contents
Foreword by Archbishop Michael (Dahulich)
Preface to the Revised Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Introduction: Doctrine Matters
- The Truth Business
- The Goal of Religion
- The Nature of Truth
- Some Technical Terms
- A Brief Overview of Christian History
Chapter One: Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, Heresy, and History
- How the Orthodox Church Views the Non-Orthodox
- Essentials of Orthodox Christian Doctrine (The Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, Salvation and the Church)
- Major Historical Heresies (Docetism, Judaizing, Gnosticism, Marcionism, Montanism, Manichaeism, Sabellianism, Novationism, Donatism, Arianism, Semi-Arianism, Chiliasm, Apollinarianism, Pneumatomachianism, Pelagianism, Nestorianism, Monophysitism, Apokatastasis, Origenism, Monothelitism, Monoenergism, Iconoclasm, Filioquism, Barlaamism, Ethnophyletism)
Chapter Two: Roman Catholicism
- Did the Great Schism Produce a New Religion?
- The Great Schism
- Differences in Vision (Development of Doctrine, Faith and Reason, Spirituality)
- The Papal Dogmas (Papal Supremacy, Papal Infallibility)
- A Different God? (The Filioque, Absolute Divine Simplicity, Created Grace)
- Salvation (Salvation of Non-Catholics, Original Sin, The Immaculate Conception, Merit and Satisfaction, Purgatory and Indulgences, Sacramental Validity)
- Closer, Yet Further Apart: Theology, Liturgics, and Reunion
Chapter Three: The Magisterial Reformation
- The End of Roman Catholic Europe
- The Five Solas (Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria)
- Magisterial Reformation Denominations
- Lutheranism
- The Reformed Churches (Calvinism, Zwinglianism)
- Anglicanism and its Heirs (Anglicanism, Methodism, Wesleyans)
- Common Ground: What Might Have Been
Chapter Four: The Radical Reformation
- The End of Ecclesiology
- Pietism
- Antinomianism
- Scripture and Tradition
- Anti-Clericalism and Anti-Sacramentalism
- Believers’ Baptism
- The Great Apostasy
- The Invisible Church
- Repudiation of Core Dogma
- Denominational Families and Movements
- Anabaptists (Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites)
- Moravians
- Puritans
- Quakers and Shakers
- Baptists
- Common Ground
Chapter Five: Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- The End of Liturgy
- The Great Awakenings
- The New Gnostics? (Individualism, Faith as Knowledge, Dualism, Escapism, Experience and Enthusiasm)
- Denominational Families and Movements
- Restorationism (Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ)
- Adventism (Millerites, Seventh-day Adventists)
- The Holiness Movement (Wesleyans, Nazarenes, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Salvation Army)
- Dispensationalism
- Liberalism and Fundamentalism
- The Mega-Church Movement
- The Future of Evangelicalism
- The Emerging Church
- The Missional Movement
- New Calvinism: The Young, Restless, and Reformed
- Ancient Future: Evangelical Appropriation of Tradition
- Conclusions
Chapter Six: Pentecostalism
- The Latter Rain
- Origins in the Holiness Movement
- “A Mighty Wave of Salvation”
- The Apostolic Faith Movement
- The Azusa Street Revival: The Spread of Pentecostalism
- The Charismatic Movement
- Third Wave Pentecostalism
- The Word of Faith Movement
- The “Grandfather” of Word-Faith
- Faith Healing Goes Mainstream
- Word-Faith Takes Shape
- The Prosperity Gospel
- Practices, Concepts, and Characteristics of Pentecostalism
- The Second Pentecost
- Speaking in Tongues
- Faith Healing
- Prophecy
- Anointing
- Spectacle and Celebrity
- Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed
- Is This Real? Pentecostals and Orthodoxy
Chapter Seven: Non-Mainstream Christians
- Many Gods, Many Christs
- Unitarian Universalists
- Swedenborgianism (New Church)
- Mormonism
- Christadelphians
- Christian Science
- Unity Church
- Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, Branch Davidians, and Church of God General Conference
- Armstrongism (Worldwide Church of God)
- The Way International
- Unification Church (“Moonies”)
- The Family International
- A Course in Miracles
- Conclusions
Chapter Eight: Non-Christian Religions
- Many Paths, Many Destinations
- Judaism
- Islam
- Druze, Alawites, and Alevi
- Zoroastrianism
- Mandaeism
- Yazdanism: Yazidi and Yarsan
- Baha’i Faith
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- Jainism
- Sikhism
- Shinto and other Animism
- Cao Dai
- Modern Western Religions
- Santeria
- Rastafarianism
- Neo-Gnosticism
- Neo-Paganism and Wicca
- Scientology
- Santeria
- Cargo Cults
- Conclusions
Epilogue: Relations with the Non-Orthodox
Appendix I: Atheism and Agnosticism
Appendix II: How and Why I Became an Orthodox Christian
Appendix III: Orthodoxy Quick Reference
Appendix IV: Heresy Quick Reference
I have the previous edition of this book, and what I would like to know is more than just the content of the current edition but the difference between the two.
The biggest difference is what’s been added, which is noted here. I talk a bit about what else is different here:
I have your first edition, but it looks like I will add your second edition. The first edition is a good resource for educating catechumens on differences between their former faith and the Orthodox Faith without being directly, personally confrontational. Modern Americans seem to react less emotionally when confronted with the written word than with spoken communication. I would suggest that Chapter Seven be titled something like “Pseudo Christian Faiths” as their beliefs place them far outside the definition of Christian as defined by the 7th Ecumenical Council. I say this because the word “Christian” like “Evangelical” has become so ill defined as to lose most of its real meaning. My Protestant Seminary’s former President is promoting stealing the word “Orthodox” to apply to his vision of Evangelical.
I don’t have your previous book but am currently teaching world religions and spiritual formation at an Evangelical Friends (Quaker) college and you are addressing the issues I am bringing up in my world religions class and in my spiritual formation class.
The school I teach at has adopted protestant theology of a Wesleyan nature and finds itself in the continuous (never ending) Calvin-Wesley-Pentecostal discussions. My soteriological search due to the many incongruencies of this battle has led me straight into the Orthodox Church… for which I am grateful. My path to the Orthodox is through the historic church Quaker which found its beginnings in the embroiled protestant, Roman Catholic, Anglican conflict of the 17th century but did emphasize the themes of deification/perfection. It’s nice to see that there is a more complete light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for your work. I very much look forward to reading it! Who knows, it may slip into one of my classes as a required text…
Just yesterday I caught up on your 2.0 podcast (and seeing the faiths and beliefs I once held to so strongly from another perspective is both enlightening and somewhat alarming [in that so many I know take them for granted]). While I plan on buying this book regardless, I’m curious what your plans on regarding difference in content between the podcast and the book.
The most obvious differences is that none of what’s in the front matter or the appendices will be recorded.
But the written version is also subject to further editing, expansion, etc. So the book will definitely be bigger and also more polished. And being a book, people will interact with it differently.
I am so excited to see the new book!
I have a kindle edition of the first edition. Does anyone know whether this will be a completely new release I need to purchase or will my first edition be automatically updated to the second?
I had actually never heard of e-books being automatically updated. But I just now looked into it for Kindle in particular, and based on their policies the new O&H would not qualify for the update process, which seems to be aimed mainly at relatively minor kinds of corrections. Amazon’s policy specifically excludes content additions from updates.
It’s my understanding that the new O&H will be sold as a new book. It’s significantly revised and also nearly twice as large.
Thank you, I look forward to the Christmas reading 🙂
Hello Father Damick, why is it you did not write the present heresy Phyletism in the Orthodox world?
That’s discussed in the first chapter, as listed here.
I’m not aware that any Orthodox bishop is currently teaching it, however. (And just to be clear as to what it is — it is that people are officially excluded from churches on the basis of ethnicity, that a hierarchy is set up which is exclusively for a certain ethnicity, etc. It’s not the same thing as ethnocentrism nor the same thing as having overlapping jurisdictions. These are both problems in their own right, of course.)
Folks, I just wanted to update everyone and let you know that the new edition is now available to order.
Fr. Andrew, i’m seriously in need of your new expanded book Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy! I know it will be of invaluable material to my local radio broadcast “Voice of Orthodoxy” … of course due credit will be acknowledged on air!!!! Who’s in charge of marketing and how will i send my contribution, if any? i can even underwrite its sales promo locally! And, i will not refuse a FREE copy as your precious gift for the Orthodox brethren in the Philippines… who knows someday I can invite you over to deliver your talk in a famous university here!!! was it not our common wish during our informal conversation at STOTS? Christ is in our midst!