Tag: doctrine
“Foundations of the Orthodox Faith” series fully online

The Worship of God
Both parts of my talk “The Worship of God” are now available via Ancient Faith Radio here and here as part of the Roads From Emmaus podcast. My approach in this talk reflects one of my ongoing concerns—preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, of the Holy Trinity, in a world that increasingly is either totally ignorant of its Creator or only takes a sort…
Scripture and Tradition
Ancient Faith Radio now has both parts of my talk “Scripture and Tradition” available for download here and here as part of the Roads From Emmaus podcast. This talk is the second installment in the four-part Foundations of the Orthodox Faith series and was originally delivered on May 23, 2010. Those interested in a particular aspect of this talk, namely, the formation of the…
Deepwater Horizon: Why Evangelical theology is helpless in the face of a catastrophic oil spill

The Mystery of Christ
Ancient Faith Radio now has both parts of my talk “The Mystery of Christ” available for download here and here as part of the Roads From Emmaus podcast. This talk is the first installment in the four-part Foundations of the Orthodox Faith series and was originally delivered on May 16, 2010.
Upcoming Series: Foundations of the Orthodox Faith
Reason and Conversion to Christ