Horrors are happening everywhere, all over the world. So many say: Sin is increasing. Sexual immorality is increasing. Oppression is increasing. Persecution is increasing. Heresy is increasing. Public violence is increasing. Poverty is increasing. In response is a refrain we see over and over: Why is no one speaking out?
Sometimes, God makes decisions that really are for the good of everyone involved that, if we made them, would almost certainly not be. But weâre not God, and we donât know jack.
On this day after Christmas, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Synaxis of the Theotokos, remembering in a special way the Virgin Mary’s role in giving birth to our Savior. A number of our great feasts have a secondary celebration the day after focusing on what may be called the “supporting cast” in the feast. So, the day after the Annunciation, we celebrate the SynaxisâŠ
The following sermon has been preached by me in several slightly different versions a number of times over the years. This is the one I preached on December 27, 2009. For the Sunday after the Nativity In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen. Christ is born! Glorify Him! There is much confusion inâŠ