(from Wikimedia Commons)
On this day after Christmas, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Synaxis of the Theotokos, remembering in a special way the Virgin Mary’s role in giving birth to our Savior. A number of our great feasts have a secondary celebration the day after focusing on what may be called the “supporting cast” in the feast. So, the day after the Annunciation, we celebrate the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel, and on the day following Theophany (Christ’s baptism), we celebrate the Synaxis of John the Forerunner.
The Virgin has long been beloved as a patroness of families, with her prayers giving aid in all of our hurts, complications and pain. Her role has ever been to draw close to her Son all who would listen to a mother’s kindness and faith.
The song below came to me this morning, mainly because of its opening lyric: “6AM, day after Christmas…”
I remember the song well, as I seem to remember many of the popular radio pieces from my long sojourn as an undergraduate (1994-2001). It’s clear from listening to the lyrics that it is a song about pain and honesty. And with a little searching, one also discovers that it is a song about a young couple getting an abortion. Ben Folds, who wrote the verses for the piece and is the singer, said in an interview that it was about him and his high school girlfriend.
As weeks went by
It showed that she was not fine
They told me, “Son, it’s time to tell the truth”
And she broke down, and I broke down
‘Cause I was tired of lyingDriving back to her apartment
For the moment we’re alone
But she’s alone
And I’m alone
And now I know it
As we celebrate motherhood today, especially the motherhood that brought us our salvation, I hope that we will say a prayer for those for whom motherhood is in crisis, both for the parents and their children. Abortion and all of the pains that have afflicted the family so much in our time have delivered a deep wound to our world.
Through the prayers of His Mother, may our Lord Jesus Christ, born into our world of sorrow, heal and comfort all the families who are hurting today.
Thank you, Father. God bless.
Amen Father and
God bless