The last three portions of the Book of Enoch, the last three material elements which have been incorporated into the text of 1 Enoch, are considerably shorter than the first two which most likely represent the most ancient traditions. These three sections are called the Book of Luminaries, the Book of Dreams, and the Epistle of Enoch respectively. These three sections also represent more diverse elements in regard to their teachings. The Book of the Watchers and the Book of Parables (including the Book of Noah) represent apocalyptic traditions both protological, in describing the origin of evil, and eschatological, in describing its final destiny. These apocalyptic traditions became formative for Jewish communities in Ethiopia, Egypt, and even in Palestine (such…
The latter portion of the Book of Parables (chapters 60-69) within the text of 1 Enoch incorporates a ‘Book of Noah’, an independent Enochic tradition already in written form by the time it was incorporated into the Book of Enoch’s text. This is evident from a few features of the text. First and foremost, the speaker shifts from Enoch to his descendant Noah. Occasionally the speaker shifts briefly back to Enoch but in each of these cases, the remark involving Enoch appears to be a later editorial insertion. If these were merely traditions regarding Noah in an oral form, the composer of the Book of Parables would have felt free to adapt and streamline it, fitting it into the overall…
The second major portion of the Book of Enoch is the ‘Book of Parables’ which now constitutes 1 Enoch 37-71. This is something of a misnomer as the Book of Parables proper, composed of three ‘parables’ or visions received by Enoch, really only makes up chapters 37-59. Chapters 60-71 appear to be the incorporation of another, independent source into the Book of Parables and thence 1 Enoch. The material in chapters 60-71 is primarily designated as the Book of Noah. It is sometimes labeled as portions or fragments of a Book of Noah. It is not as simple, however, as just another book having been incorporated with all the others into 1 Enoch. Its independence is attested to by the…