Interview with Theron Mathis on “Sword in the Fire”

Theron Mathis, author of The Rest of the Bible: A Guide to the Old Testament of the Early Church, has graciously conducted a brief interview with me regarding Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy and other matters on his weblog Sword in the Fire. Excerpt from the introduction: Fr. Andrew does the seemingly impossible in a mere 224 pages. He gives a broad scope of Orthodox belief,…

Updates and Notes

A number of updates and goings-on of variable interest: Book News: Conciliar Press tells me that Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy is selling very well. Thank you to all who have bought copies, recommended it to friends, or written reviews! I honestly had no idea when I did the original parish lectures in Charleston and then repeated them in Emmaus that they’d get so far away…

Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy available for purchase!

Some news from Conciliar Press: Good news! The [Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy] books arrived in our Illinois warehouse yesterday! For those of you who write book reviews for print media and/or who have blogs discussing such things, contact our marketing manager, Matthew Dorning (email hidden; JavaScript is required) to request a review copy, and let him know which publication / blog you represent. Ready to…