Your local coffeehouse may be a hotbed of heresy. Check the following list and see how yours measures up. Decaf is Docetic because it only appears to be coffee. Instant is Apollinarian because it’s had its soul removed and replaced. Frappuccinos are essentially a form of Monophysitism, having their coffee nature swallowed up in milkshake. Chicory is Arian, not truly coffee at…
So, an O&H contributor has made even more “celebrity endorsement” photos for your amusement! (The exceptions here are ET and Her Majesty, whose endorsements were solicited by other friends and fans.)
It’s been a while since we did a photo humor post, so we thought you might like these “celebrity endorsements” for Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy. Thanks to our own contributors for their talents!
Snarky, I know, but I couldn’t quite help myself but give this reply to NYT bestselling author and pastor Mark Driscoll of the 14-campus, 4-state, 15,000+ weekly attendance Mars Hill Church.