It’s been a while since we did a photo humor post, so we thought you might like these “celebrity endorsements” for Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy. Thanks to our own contributors for their talents!

It’s been a while since we did a photo humor post, so we thought you might like these “celebrity endorsements” for Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy. Thanks to our own contributors for their talents!
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Is it just me, or does Joel Osteen look like Tim Allen?
Is that an infallible papal endorsement?
Is he standing on the cathedra? Hard to tell.
I’ve always enjoyed pondering the logical paradox of a pope declaring ex cathedra that Roman Catholicism is wrong and that everyone should convert to Orthodoxy. I wonder if suddenly the Vatican would start throwing sparks and smoke and then short circuit and stop. Infallibility overload! Of course it would never happen . . .