Category: Ecology
Thin Places (The Transfiguration of Place, Part IV)
The following is Part IV of a talk I gave on April 2nd at the St. Emmelia Orthodox Homeschooling Conference at the Antiochian Village. The full talk is entitled “The Transfiguration of Place: An Orthodox Christian Vision of Localism.” Read Part I, Part II and Part III. There are six parts in all. In the British Isles, the ancient Celtic Christians spoke curiously ofâŠ
The God in the Bread

Deepwater Horizon: Why Evangelical theology is helpless in the face of a catastrophic oil spill

Orthodox Spiritual Life and the Environment Conference
All of the talks from the April 16-17, 2010, conference of the Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration held at St. Tikhon’s Seminary are now online, courtesy of Ancient Faith Radio: Dr. Seraphim Bruce Foltz: Nature and Other Modern Idolatries: Kosmos, Ktisis, and Chaos in Environmental Metaphysics. (Dr. Foltz is philosophy professor at Eckerd College, a founder of SOPHIA, the Orthodox philosophical association; author ofâŠ
This Holy Earth: Ecological Vision in the Cosmic Cathedral
Both parts of my February 3 talk at Bucknell University are now available via Ancient Faith Radio, on the Roads From Emmaus podcast. Take a listen here: Part 1, Part 2.