New Podcast: Roads From Emmaus

Podcast: Roads From Emmaus


  1. I just finished listening to your podcast. Thank you so much for addressing the need for community on many levels.

    I have been quite aware of this lack of community within American culture for awhile now. We were not meant to live so separately from each other. People seldom commune with each other. Rather they text, blog, email, chat in real time online; not bad in and of itself. But sadly, these things have replaced real, in person, in the flesh interaction and fellowship.

    As I often say, “I need Jesus with skin on.” I can’t experience church online, t.v., radio, or alone in the woods. I need to be with real, in the flesh and blood people. For it is in being with real, in the flesh and blood people that I am called to love, to give of what Christ has given me. It is then that I can receive from others what Christ has given them to give away.

    May Christ our God bless you, your wife, and little ones this day and always.

    P.S.- I longingly look forward to the day of chrismation when I will be able to unite with His body the Church, in partaking of the Eucharistic life of Christ’s Body and Blood.

  2. Father, I am excited about this! I really enjoyed the first installment of this podcast. I like the fact that this one has a closeness to your own heart.

    thanks for sharing and for doing this work. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you in all you do.


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