An Orthodox Circuit Preacher: St. Anastasius of Sinai and the Church Today

The following piece by Nicholas Marinides was originally a talk given at Princeton University to the Florovsky Orthodox Theological Society on December 10, 2011. It followed on a talk given by about the theology of St. Maximus the Confessor. Both were part of a half-day workshop on ā€œAthens vs. Jerusalem,ā€ intended to allow doctoral students to present their research on Church Fathersā€¦

Muslim Comedian Dean Obeidallah Defines “Good” Christianity

Dean Obeidallah, a Muslim and professional comedian, recently opined for CNN in “Where are the good Christians?” on his longing for a Christianity he would prefer. The title caught my eye, as it suggests not only that there is a clearly defined line between ā€œgoodā€ and ā€œbadā€ Christians but also that this author knows where this line is and feels itā€™s obviousā€¦