Author: Cyril Jenkins
Dr. Cyril (Gary) Jenkins is the Director of the Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture, and the John H. Van Gorden Professor in History and History Department Chair at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania, and a member of St. Paul Orthodox Church in Emmaus, Pennsylvania. He also blogs at Lux Christi.
Hoc Est Corpus Meum: Luther’s Reformation Gets Away From Him

Ancient Heresies in the Sixteenth Century II: The Antitrinitarians

Ancient Heresies in the Sixteenth Century I: The Nestorians

The Original Severe Protestant: The Prophetic Calvin

What Reformers Before the Reformers?

On Deaconesses and Women’s Ordination: Fr. David Bissias replies to Valerie Karras
My thoughts below are in response to this fine review article by Fr. David Bissias directed at a recent screed article by Valerie Karras ostensibly seemingly to justify some form of women’s ordination. I’ve read through Fr. David’s article, and now wish I had Karras’s as well. But in reality I don’t need it, for my thoughts are actually in response to…
The Anglican Itch
The Church of England and the Anglican “communion” have always fascinated me. I received my M.Div. from an Episcopal Seminary, and wrote my dissertation and first book (I am working on several seconds) on bishop John Jewel, the leading theological light of Elizabeth I’s first decade, and the chief defender of the 1559 Elizabethan Settlement. My brother William is a rector of…
Some passing thoughts on Catholicity (or, an Ehrman/Pagels view of catholicity)
This post was originally featured on the Lux Christi site. The original is here. Herein is a quick comment on the continuing online saga of what constitutes “catholicity.” So far most of the things I have read have been coming from Orthodox and Reformed bloggers, and I just wanted to my give two cents on something touched on, but which needs some…