
Don’t Blog Angry

One of my favorite moments in the film “Groundhog Day” is when Bill Murray says to Punxsatawney Phil “Don’t drive angry.” I was reminded of that today when I was thinking about what to write for my daily blog post. Why? Because this has not been my day. I won’t go into the details, but this has been one of those days when every…

Air dancers

It has a name and it’s an awesome name. I was wondering about it for weeks, having driven by the same wind-whipped inflatable character near the car wash on Western Avenue. Its arms were outstretched, its wide smile and bright eyes popping out with each cycling of air through its slender body; collapsing and filling over and over. It got my attention. That is its only job. So I went online to…


Whenever I have not read The Lord of the Rings for some time, I feel as though I am a long way from home. I try (but sometimes fail) to read it annually. And yet I have all these books around that I bought but just haven’t gotten around to reading yet. They’re good books, mind you. Being a geek who married a geek,…