More Celebrity Endorsements for Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy

So, an O&H contributor has made even more “celebrity endorsement” photos for your amusement! (The exceptions here are ET and Her Majesty, whose endorsements were solicited by other friends and fans.)

Across America, some of the most unexpected people are promoting this book.
Across America, some of the most unexpected people are promoting this book.
Elmo should know better than to keep fish in a bowl without a power filter, but he still has impeccable taste in reading,
Elmo should know better than to keep fish in a bowl without a power filter, but he still has impeccable taste in reading,
On today's episode, the Wonder Pets learn about how to ward off heresy!
On today’s episode, the Wonder Pets learn about how to ward off heresy!
It's never too late to return to Orthodoxy.
It’s never too late to return to Orthodoxy.
Why not do some light reading before phoning home?
Why not do some light reading before phoning home?
It's critical always to be searching for new ways to engage.
It’s critical always to be searching for new ways to engage.
God save the Queen!
God save the Queen!


  1. Captain Picard is by far your best endorsement.

    (What’s funny is that even if Hinn endorsed your book, i’m not sure that would cause any more cognitive dissonance in his overall theological position than any other portion of his doctrine. 😉

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