Podcasts page created

In an effort to put all (or most) of my podcasting work into one navigable place, I’ve created a podcasts page on the Roads from Emmaus website. It not only has the full Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy series, but also the various series and talks I’ve done for Roads from Emmaus, as well as some talks I’ve done as part of other series. It’s grouped

Byzantine, Texas interview

The kind gent who runs the Byzantine, Texas weblog very graciously extended an invitation to do an interview regarding the upcoming book. (That said, I still can’t believe I wrote “the interest in the subject indicated by that interest.” Mea maxima culpa grammatica.) Get the goods here.

New Facebook page

Because I’m doing public work in areas beyond podcasting, I’m transitioning from my old Facebook page to a new one, so if you would like to continue (or to begin) getting updates on Facebook on the items I publish (podcasts, weblog, and a forthcoming book), I recommend you shift over to the latter. Thanks!


For my inaugural post after arriving here in the Lehigh Valley of eastern Pennsylvania, I will simply point you to two defining texts that I’ve put together for this weblog: This Work and The Road to Emmaus.